Previous Events

P/CVE Evaluation in International Comparison: Learning from a diverse landscape

International workshop organized by GPPi and PRIF (in English)

What are gaps and challenges in P/CVE evaluation research? How can actors in different contexts learn from each other? How can methodological challenges of comparing P/CVE across different geographical regions be overcome?

The PrEval team “International Monitoring: Structures and Practices” will organize a workshop on 25.04.2023 between 13:00–15:00 CEST to discuss an upcoming international expert survey that seeks to explore good practices, innovations, and challenges of P/CVE evaluation and quality assurance.

This workshop organized by the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) offers space to discuss the project’s research methodology and current gaps in the evaluation research of extremism prevention, democracy promotion, and civic education. It is part of the research and transfer project PrEval (Evaluation and Quality Assurance in Extremism Prevention, Democracy Promotion and Civic Education: Analysis, Monitoring, Dialogue), which is developing formats and structures to strengthen P/CVE evaluation and quality assurance.

Registration: If you wish to participate, please contact sebbecke(at) by 13.04.2023.

Data protection: By registering, you agree to the temporary storage of your data for the purpose of processing your registration for the event. For more information, please visit  

Contact: @GPPi: Sophie Ebbecke (sebbecke(at), @PRIF: Lotta Rahlf (rahlf(at)