PrEval Expertisen
The “PrEval Expertisen” (“expert reports”) address the state of research, challenges and development potential of international evaluation research. They are published in German or English and are each supplemented by a Policy Brief (“PrEval Handreichung”).
The following titles will be published from June 2024 onwards:
- Klemm, Jana/Strobl, Rainer: Wirkungsmodelle und ihr Potenzial für Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Demokratieförderung, PrEval Expertise 1/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Isac, Maria Magdalena/Zels, Susanne/Abs; Hermann J.: Approaches to Monitoring Citizenship Education in Europe, PrEval Expertise 2/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Müller, Simon: Strategies for Causal Analysis in Evaluation, PrEval Expertise 3/2024 (in the process of publication).
- Greuel, Frank/Milbradt, Björn: Die Evaluation von Programmen in den Handlungsfeldern Extremismusprävention, Demokratieförderung, Vielfaltgestaltung und politische Bildung – Herausforderungen und Umgangsstrategien (in the process of publication)
- Greuel, Frank/Milbradt, Björn: Mixed Method Evaluation on Programs of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Basics, State of Play, Challenges (in the process of publication)