PRIF Spotlights

Interim reports as well as shorter project pub­lications from the PrEval network were pre­sented in the form of Spotlights.

From 2020–2022, the following PRIF Spotlights were published:

PRIF Spotlight 10/2021: Evaluations. Internationally Shared Challenges to Organizing the Evaluation of Extremism Prevention, PRIF Spotlight 9/2021, Frankfurt/M.

Politicians and ad­ministrators in different countries face similar challenges in setting up organiza­tional structures for the evaluation of measures to prevent extremism. Inter­national comparative analysis of these structures and cross-­national exchange can contribute valuable insights into the design of eva­luation structures in Germany. This Spotlight presents initial findings from the country studies conducted as part of the PrEval project. The focus is on striking a balance between learning culture and account­ability, as well as on issues related to funding and the implement­ation of fit-­for-­purpose eva­luation formats.

Bressan, Sarah/Friedrich, Julia/Wagner, Marie (2021): Governing Evaluations. Internationally Shared Challenges to Organizing the Evaluation of Extremism Prevention, PRIF Spotlight 9/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

This PRIF Spotlight has also been published in German:
Bressan, Sarah/Friedrich, Julia/Wagner, Marie (2021): Evaluationsstrukturen gestalten. Herausforderungen in der Extremismusprävention im internationalen Vergleich, PRIF Spotlight 10/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download German pdf

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PRIF Spotlight 8/2021: Evaluationsbedarfe der Praxis. Ergebnisse einer Bedarfsabfrage im Präventionsfeld Islamistischer Extremismus (in German)

The vast majority of German pre­vention practice in the field of Islamist extremism is generally open and positive toward the eva­luation and scientific monitoring of measures. More than the question of “whether”, the focus is on “how”. There is a desire for more needs-­oriented evaluation formats that are designed to system­atically incorporate perspectives and experiences of the eva­luated practice. This spotlight presents the first interim results of an extensive survey of evaluation ex­periences and needs that was con­ducted among measure providers in the field of pre­vention of Islamist extremism in Germany.

Koynova, Svetla (2021): Evaluationsbedarfe der Praxis. Ergebnisse einer Bedarfsabfrage im Präventionsfeld Islamistischer Extremismus, PRIF Spotlight 8/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

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PRIF Spotlight 7/2021: Prävention von Rechtsextremismus. Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen für Evaluation und wissenschaftliche Begleitung (in German)

The prevention of right-­wing extremism has developed into a multi­faceted field of work and action. In the past decades, quality standards and com­prehensive evaluation experiences have been developed. Based on a standardized survey as well as back­ground discussions and workshops within the PrEval project, this Spotlight summarizes ex­periences and challenges reported by practitioners of prevention work. The resulting needs and re­quirements of practition­ers should be taken into account when designing eva­luations and quality management measures.

Quent, Matthias (2021): Prävention von Rechtsextremismus. Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen für Evaluation und wissenschaftliche Begleitung, PRIF Spotlight 7/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

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PRIF Spotlight 3/2021: Evaluation im Kooperationskontext. Chancen zur Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit von Sicherheitsbehörden und Zivilgesellschaft (in German)

At the end of 2020, the “Kabinett­ausschuss zur Bekämpfung von Rechts­extremismus und Rassismus” adopted an extensive catalog of measures, which also re­commends strengthening cooperation between security authorities and civil society. Although some successful approaches already exist, there still seems to be a need for development at this central interface of extremism pre­vention. Here, innovative eva­luation projects can make an important contribution by helping to strengthen existing initiatives, overcome potential hurdles and at the same time provide the necessary space for clear demarcation between the groups of actors.

Ruf, Maximilian/Walkenhorst, Dennis (2021): Evaluation im Kooperationskontext. Chancen zur Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit von Sicherheitsbehörden und Zivilgesellschaft, PRIF Spotlight 3/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

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PRIF Spotlight 2/2021: Mehr als Prävention. Politische Bildung und Extremismusprävention: Schnittmengen und Herausforderungen (in German)

In the public dis­cussion of extremist attacks and terrorist acts, high expectations are often formulated for civic edu­cation as an instrument of prevention. However, this raises the question of what civic edu­cation can and should achieve. Civic edu­cation offers more than a handout for dealing with current challenges posed by political extrem­isms. Its core task is to support the active participation of all people in political and social life. In doing so, it also contributes to pre­vention. Civic education and prevention do not form a single unit, but together they generate added value for a society that protects itself from anti-­human and anti-­democratic extremisms.

Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela/Kroll, Stefan/Theis, Désirée (2021): Mehr als Prävention. Politische Bildung und Extremismusprävention: Schnittmengen und Herausforderungen, PRIF Spotlight 02/2021, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

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PRIF Spotlight 8/2020: Evaluation in der Extremismusprävention. Chancen einer vielfältigen Landschaft nutzen (in German)

Extremism prevention in Germany is broadly based, with a large number of actors, approaches and mea­sures. This diversity is a key strength. At the same time, it poses major challenges for quality management, for example in the form of evaluation, as it must combine a variety of pers­pectives. Eva­luation can determine the impact of a pre­vention measure, but often also focuses on the manage­ment within a measure. In any case, eva­luation supports the further develop­ment of measures on a scientific basis. However, this can only be achieved if the eva­luators and the evaluated have a common under­standing of the problem and the objectives, which includes both the needs of practice and scientific criteria.

Junk, Julian/Klöckner, Mona/Kroll, Stefan/Leimbach, Katharina/Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela/Tultschinetski, Sina (2020): Evaluation in der Extremismusprävention. Chancen einer vielfältigen Landschaft nutzen, PRIF Spotlight 8/2020, Frankfurt/M.     Download pdf

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