PrEval Working Papers

Interim reports from the PrEval network are pre­sented in the form of Working Papers.

Published so far:

Tschöp, David/van Heeswijk, Emma/Hartmann, Lina/Büchsenschütz, Benedikt (2023): Auf der Suche nach Expertise. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Auffindbarkeit von Wissensnetzwerken und Evaluationsexpertise in der Demokratieförderung, Extremismusprävention und politischen Bildung. PrEval Working Paper 1/2023, Frankfurt/M.

The vast majority of actors in the fields of extremism prevention, democracy promotion and civic education prefer to approach networks and experts from their own thematic circles with questions about evaluation and quality assur­ance. Knowledge networks that focus specifically on quality assurance and evaluation, on the other hand, are hardly known at present. Insufficient interdisciplinary exchange can lead to so-called knowledge islands that leave valuable networking potential unused. This working paper identifies difficul­ties in locating and accessing potentially useful knowledge networks and discusses ways to overcome such obstacles in order to promote sustainable knowledge exchange.

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