“Zukunftswerkstatt” on Helpdesks and Support Structures

Evaluation and quality assurance pose a variety of challenges to actors from practice, science, admin­istration and beyond. The “Zukunfts­werkstatt” on Helpdesks and Support Structures explores possibilities with which evaluations and evaluation actors can be supported in a need-based and timely manner. It does pre­liminary conceptual work regarding the question of how support structures for planning and conducting different types of evaluation can be established. Additionally, different formats of a helpdesk may be piloted. The “Zukunfts­werkstatt” welcomes impulses from re­search and practice and is open to co­llaboration and co­operation with interested institutions and orga­nizations.

Publications and Events

Publications from the "Zukunftswerkstatt" on Helpdesks

Ruf, Maximilian/Tschöp, David/Biene-Clément, Janusz/Lorenz, Moritz/Mönig, Alina/Hilal, Toqa (2024): Bericht der Zukunftswerkstatt Helpdesk, Frankfurt/M. // Download PDF

Upcoming Events

Bericht der Zukunftswerkstatt Helpdesk

Further events from other “Zukunftswerkstätten” and PrEval sub-projects can be found on the “Events” page.