Bericht der Zukunftswerkstatt Evaluationsdatenbank
“Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research
The “Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research is a PrEval subproject that captures the academic debate on evaluation and quality management approaches with a view to preventing extremism, promoting democracy, shaping diversity, and civic education. It makes developments, new methods and current debates in evaluation research accessible for professional practice and research. It builds up a monitoring of relevant literature, publishes reports on the state of evaluation research and practice, and actively involves numerous actors in evaluation research. The “Zukunftswerkstatt” welcomes impulses from research and practice and is open to collaboration and cooperation with interested institutions and organizations.
As part of this “Zukunftswerkstatt”, two further teams at GPPi and IKG are working on the following key topics:
Publications from the “Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research
- Klemm, Jana/Strobl, Rainer: Zum Nutzen von Wirkungsmodellen für die Evaluation, PrEval Handreichung 1/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Klemm, Jana/Strobl, Rainer: Wirkungsmodelle und ihr Potenzial für Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Demokratieförderung, PrEval Expertise 1/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Isac, Maria Magdalena/Zels, Susanne/Abs, Hermann J.: Monitoring Citizenship Education: Zur Entwicklung einer Monitoring-Strategie für politische Bildung und Demokratieförderung in europäischer Kooperation, PrEval Handreichung 2/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Isac, Maria Magdalena/Zels, Susanne/Abs; Hermann J.: Approaches to Monitoring Citizenship Education in Europe, PrEval Expertise 2/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Müller, Simon: Strategies for Causal Analysis in Evaluation, PrEval Expertise 3/2024, Frankfurt/M.
- Müller, Simon: Kausalanalysen in der Evaluation richtig anwenden. Methodenvielfalt wahrnehmen, gegenstandsangemessen arbeiten und Kapazitäten stärken, PrEval Handreichung 3/2024, Frankfurt/M.
If you would like to participate in the “Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research, please contact Simon Müller (DeZIM) via preval(at)