“Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research

The “Zukunfts­werkstatt” on Evaluation Research is a PrEval sub­project that captures the academic debate on eva­luation and quality manage­ment approaches with a view to preventing extremism, promoting democracy, shaping diversity, and civic education. It makes develop­ments, new methods and current debates in evaluation research accessible for pro­fessional practice and research. It builds up a monitoring of relevant literature, publishes reports on the state of eva­luation research and practice, and actively involves numerous actors in evaluation research. The “Zukunfts­werkstatt” welcomes impulses from research and practice and is open to collaboration and co­operation with interested institutions and organizations.

Olaf Kleist (DeZIM) on the “Zukunftswerkstatt” Evaluation Research (Production: Ute Seitz | PRIF 2022).

If you would like to participate in the “Zukunftswerkstatt” on Evaluation Research, please contact Simon Müller (DeZIM) via  preval @prif .org.






Contact Person


Simon Müller
German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)