Multi-method evaluation designs

Development, Testing and Preparation of Multi-method Evaluation Designs

The aim of the second work pillar is to systematically work through various metho­dological strands of the eva­luation of prevention measures, to assess them, and to use sample projects to adapt and test them in dialogue with the project im­plementers for the quality management goals in pre­vention practice.

Pilot Studies for the Joint Development of Evaluation Designs

Within the frame­work of pilot studies, PrEval de­velops multi-­method evaluation designs based on example projects in primary, secondary and tertiary pre­vention as well as the interfaces to civic education and violence prevention. The aim is to explore the possibilities and limits of accompanying evaluation together with the project im­plementers, to develop multi-­method evaluation designs for selected measures and, if necessary, to implement them on a test basis.

In the field of primary pre­vention and at the interface to civic education, PrEval co­operates with the following institutions:

  • Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)
  • Haus Neuland
  • Sozial­beratung Stuttgart e.V.

In the areas of secondary and tertiary prevention as well as the inter­face to violence prevention, eva­luation designs are developed with the following actors:

  • API (Islamism Dropout Program, Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Verein für jugend- und familien­pädagogische Beratung Nieder­sachsen – beRATen e.V.