Zukunftswerkstatt Wissensnetzwerke

The “Zukunftswerkstatt” on Knowledge Networks Surrounding Evaluation and Quality Management examines existing structures and possibilities for exchange and net­working that are focused on eva­luation and quality assurance in the fields of civic education, democracy promotion and P/CVE. The research aims at identifying synergies and gaps in and between existing frame­works. Based on these findings, the PrEval research network develops new online and offline formats for dialogue, exchange, and capacity develop­ment of the involved stake­holders, and systematically relates them to each other. Participants include actors from the fields of extremism pre­vention, democracy promotion, civic education, and eva­luation and quality assurance. The main considerations and results will be published in a report and a handout will summarize the main re­commendations. The “Zukunftswerkstatt” welcomes impulses from research and practice and is open to collaboration and co­operation with interested institutions and organizations.

Publications and Events

Upcoming Events

Bericht der Zukunftswerkstatt Wissensnetzwerke

Further events from other “Zukunftswerkstätten” and PrEval sub-projects can be found on the “Events” page.

Contact Person

Svetla Koynova
Violence Prevention Network



If you would like to participate in the “Zukunfts­werkstatt” on Knowledge Networks Surrounding Evaluation and Quality Management, please contact Svetla Koynova (Violence Prevention Network) über preval@prif.org.